Thursday, January 20, 2011

Leaving soon on my adventure.

Been snowy here and took this from Radisson Nashua 7th Floor Club Lounge window just before my last day of work.

My trip had been delayed by my son going in hospital, but he is coming home today and will be fine with meds and Dr's supervision and changes in his eating, etc. Thanks to the Lord for that. It could have been much worse.

While here I contacted a farm in North Carolina through a guest and received an invitation to come and paint. So I am working the adventure though not on the road yet.

I hope all is well with my friends who are following me and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Subliminal cloud animal before thought of traveling

I just found this photo of clouds I took last summer before I thought to go painting around country!

I was unable to leave on January 1st but plan to be on the road January 15th or 16th weather permitting. So excited to have it be so near.

Happy New Year to all I leave and to all I will meet. I expect a great journey. Thanks to all who have been an encouragement to me. Love you all.